Friday, February 14, 2025


Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (Unless otherwise posted)

Secure Certificate of Indian Certificates (SCIS)

As of July 2019, the Peguis Membership Office has been assisting with the SCIS applications.  These applications can also be completed with the NEW SCIS app; however, when using this App, applicants must still complete the Application Form.


  1. Application Form
  • Must be completed by Applicant (16 +), or parents/legal guardian (15 & under).
  1. Documents Required
  • Completed application
  • Valid photo identification (photocopy both sidesguarantor must sign and date copies of the ID)
    *please note that photo ID is required from the parent/legal guardian for those 15 and under
  • Complete Guarantor Declaration
  • Copy of applicable documents; marriage, name linking documents, custody or court order of guardianship
  • Two (2) unaltered, identical, Canadian Passport-style Photos


Use the SCIS Photo App using a mobile phone.  When using this app please write on the top right corner “SCIS PHOTO APP”

Application Link:  SCIS APPLICATION

Please mail completed application to:

National SCIS Processing Unit
10 Wellington Street
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H4


Certificates of Indian Status

Please be advised that the Membership Office will be issuing Certificates of Indian Status (status cards) on a daily basis (if available).

Note: Those who are travelling are asked to call Leah McPherson, Membership Officer, in advance to confirm that there are status cards available at (204) 645-2359 extension 140.

Application for Band Membership

As of 1985, Peguis First Nation became a Section 10 Band. This means that there are two (2) lists that the Band must maintain:

1. Registry List
This is where an individual receives their registration number (example 269 00000 01). This entitles individuals to health, prescription drugs, dental, vision (all these determined by First Nations Inuit Health- FNIH, not your band) and post-secondary benefits (based on available funds).

2. Band Membership List
This entitles individuals the right to vote in all matters pertaining to their First Nation. It also entitles an individual to live on reserve and housing on reserve (based on availability)

If you have young children or have recently received a letter from the Registrar of Indian Affairs confirming your reinstatement to Indian Status with Peguis, please fill out a Membership Application. Once completed, please forward to the Peguis Band Office via mail or fax:

Peguis Indian Band
Attn: Leah McPherson
P.O Box 10
Peguis, MB R0C 3J0
Fax: (204) 645-4581

LINK: Download an Application for Membership
LINK: Download the Membership Code

Current Mailing Address

Update of Membership List:
Our Membership List must be updated regularly. From time to time Peguis Chief and Council have distributed informational material and newsletters in an attempt to keep members informed on current issues.

It is then important that the addresses of all Members of Peguis on the Membership list be up to date and accurate. If you, or a member of your family, are a Peguis Band Member, living off-reserve, and you have not been receiving information from Peguis First Nation, please contact Membership Officer, Leah McPherson, at (204) 645-2359 ext.140 or toll free at 1-866-645-2359 to have your information updated.

RE: Registration of Child

As of June 8, 2018 Indigenous Service Canada (ISC, previously INAC) has released a new registration form for applying for Registration under the Indian Act.

Please find the Application for Registration on the Indian Register (15 under) and Guarantor Declaration forms to register your child. The parent/guardian is responsible for closely looking over and completing these applications. Please note, without these applications the Membership Office will be unable to register your child. The Membership Office will also need the original long form birth certificate, which states parentage and a piece of picture ID from the parent/guardian registering the child, which states name, DOB, and has a signature. Once your child is registered the original birth certificate will be returned in the mail as soon as possible.

Please look over the application carefully and complete all necessary information. Most important is your registration/treaty number; it must be the complete number on the application i.e.:269 01234 01. If both parents are on the Birth Certificate, both signatures must be on the application. Once completed, this form can be returned to the Membership office and it will be processed.

If you need any assistance with these applications or have any questions or concerns in regards to this matter please do not hesitate to contact the Membership office at (204) 645-2359 extension 140.

DOWNLOAD: Application for Registration (15 under)
DOWNLOAD: Application for Registration (16+)
DOWNLOAD: Guarantor Declaration


Band Transfers

Requirements for Eligibility to Transfer 

These are the requirements set out in the Transfer Policy for Peguis First Nation.  Failure to provide all required original documents will result in the applicants transfer application being deferred until all necessary information is completed.

ADULT (16+)

  • Completed Band Transfer Statement of Consent
  • Vulnerable Criminal Record Check  *(18+)
  • Adult abuse record check  *(18+)
  • Child abuse record check  *(18+)
  • Waiver and Release form
  • Completed PFN Questionnaire/Band Membership Application
  • Sponsorship/Reference letter from Peguis First Nation Member
  • Sponsorship/Reference letter from original Band Member

*Please note that 16 and over are considered age of majority through Indigenous Service Canada; however, Peguis First Nation’s age of majority is 18 and over, so those who are aged 16-17 years old are NOT required to complete the Criminal record check, child abuse check, or adult abuse check.

CHILDREN (15 & Under)

  • Completed Band Transfer Statement of Consent
  • Written consent to transfer minor child(ren)
  • Original long-form Birth certificate

In the case of legal custody of a Minor Child, all of the above and;

  • written evidence of legal custody of the minor child(ren)


  • Completed Band Transfer Statement of Consent
  • Vulnerable Criminal Record Check
  • Adult abuse record check
  • Child abuse record check


All original documents will be returned to the applicant after they have been processed.  Applications and all required documentations can be dropped off at the Peguis Band Office or mailed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Peguis Indian Band
Attn: Leah McPherson
P.O Box 10
Peguis, MB R0C 3J0



Membership Committee

Rose Mayo 

Darlene Cameron 

Leah Stevenson

Marcia Bell

Elaine Michell

Tamara Dicks

Questions Regarding Membership

For further information on Membership, please contact:

Primary Contact;
Leah McPherson
Indian Registry Administrator/Membership Officer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: (204) 645-2359 Ext.140
Fax: (204) 645-2360
Toll free: 1 (866) 645-2359